Feature selection

Why Variable selection is important?

Feature selection is a technique for reducing the number of features and thus the computational complexity of the model. We want to explain the data as simply as possible, so redundant predictors should be removed.Unnecessary predictors will introduce noise into the estimation of other quantities of interest. Collinearity occurs when too many variables attempt to perform the same function. We can save time and/or money by not measuring redundant predictors if the model is to be used for prediction.The goal of feature selection is to build a model that accurately predicts or explains the relationships in the data.

Methods to determine variables for regression.

The selection of variables is an important part of regression because a model with a large number of variables can lead to computational complexity. There are several methods for determining the variable that will help our regression model predict accurately. Depending on the number of variables, type of data, and EDA analysis, I intend to use the following methods for variable selection.

Hierarchial Models

Firstly, we consider hierarchical models i.e the model with higher order terms and lower order terms.Lower order terms should not be removed from the model before higher order terms in the same variable

  • Polynomial Models
    • Lower order terms should not be removed in the presence of higher order terms. As we do not want interpretation to be influenced by the scale used.
  • Models with Interactions
    • Simply removing the interaction term would result in a surface that is parallel to the coordinate axes. This is difficult to interpret and should be avoided unless a specific meaning can be attached.

Stepwise Procedures

Backward Elimination

  • In the first step of backward elimination, we include all predictors and continue to remove the one with the highest p-value (>.05 the threshold limit). It will produce the final set of features that are significant enough to predict the outcome with the desired accuracy after a few iterations.

Forward selection

  • In forward selection, we simply keep adding features. We do not remove the previously added feature. We only add features that improve the overall model fit in each iteration.

Stepwise regression

  • The Stepwise regression technique begins by fitting the model with each individual predictor and determining which has the lowest p-value. Then choose that variable, and then fit the model using the two variables that we already chose in the previous step, one by one. Again, we choose the one with the lowest p-value. Keep in mind that by including the new variable, the impact of the previously selected variable in the previous step should remain significant. We repeat this process until we find a combination with a p-value less than.05.

Lasso Regression

  • Lasso regression will automatically select useful features while discarding useless or redundant features. In Lasso regression, removing a feature causes its coefficient to equal 0.  The concept of using Lasso regression for feature selection is thus very straightforward, we fit a Lasso regression on a scaled version of our dataset and we only take into account those features that have a coefficient different from 0. To achieve the desired Lasso regression, we must first tune the hyperparameter.  That will enable us to quickly identify useful features and eliminate unnecessary ones.

Choosing a method for variable selection

There is no hard and fast rule that you must use the methods specified above or the following sequence of methods to select the features. It is entirely dependent on the number of variables under consideration, collinearity of the variables, ease of use, reproducibility, and improved generalization.

  • When there are many variables to consider, I use forward selection to determine the best feature. This is because it starts with null variables and considers only the variables that are useful, avoiding the need to consider the entire model.
  • I use backward selection because it takes into account all of the effects of all variables at the same time. It aids us in comprehending collinearity.
  • Except when there are more number of features than events, I favor using backward selection. Otherwise, we can use forward selection.
  • The models are simple to understand, straightforward to use, and gives a reproducible and objective way to reduce the number of predictors when compared to manually selecting variables when we use stepwise regression.
  • I like to use lasso regularization for feature selection since it prevents overfitting and may be used when there are more features than data. Inference and fitting are quick, and it automatically chooses the better features.

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